Wildfires are becoming more prevalent in the surrounding Bay Area Counties and overall State
of California. Wildfires release airborne particulate matter and gases that can have health
impacts for more susceptible indoor building occupants. On August 31, 2020, an LBNL Indoor
Air Quality Working Group was established and sponsored by the Operations Working Group
via the Transition Leadership Team. The team members consisted of:
- Rob Connelly, EHS (Lead)
- Steve Greenberg, Buildings and Industrial Applications
- Wanyu Rengie Chan, Indoor Environment
- Oren Rieger, Facilities Engineering
- Dianne Wentworth, Strategic Communications
The charge and deliverables for the working group are:
Determine what controls need to be established for indoor air quality for buildings at LBNL and
offsite locations. LBNL has outlined controls for outdoor workers, but during recent smoke
events, there has been a need for guidance from the lab community for actions people can take
when the air quality is compromised inside buildings. Controls to be established include
engineering controls and administrative controls.
Read the full report.