Site Operations Center
When and Where to Call
Reporting Injuries
Reporting Miscellaneous Issues
Site Operations Center
Q: What is the Site Operations Center?
A: The Site Operations Center, or SOC, is staffed 24/7 by trained security professionals. The SOC monitors operations at the Lab to ensure smooth and safe operations. If you have any issues while on site, you can contact the SOC at 1-510-486-6999 or x6999 from any Lab phone for assistance.
Q: Why is it important that I notify the Site Operations Center at 1-510-486-6999 for any issue?
A: Your report to 1-510-486-6999 will begin a chain of notifications to the proper people and departments. If it is a safety issue, the hazard can be addressed.
Using 1-510-486-6999 is practicing good stewardship of the Lab by helping us protect our people, property, and the environment.
Q: I want to call, but I don’t want to give my name. Can I make an anonymous report?
A: You can withhold your name and request that the report be anonymous.
Q: Will I be notified of the progress or outcome of any issue I report to 1-510-486-6999?
A: If you provide a Laboratory ID number, you can opt-in to receive copies of the notifications. If you choose to report anonymously, you will not receive an update. You may receive additional updates via other communication channels outside of 1-510-486-6999.
When and Where to Call
Q: When do I call 911?
A: If any of the situations listed in the chart below occur, you must notify the Site Operations Center (SOC). This responsibility applies to all employees and lab hosts.
If you are unable or unsure whether to call, please reach out to your supervisor or team lead for guidance.
Injuries | Any injuries while performing work for Berkeley Lab. Any situation that requires immediate assistance from the police, fire department, or ambulance. Call 911. For all other non-life threatening injuries, you can call or visit the Health Services clinic at 1-510-486-6266 or call the Site Operations Center (SOC) 24/7 at 1-510-486-6999, which will transfer you to Health Services. |
Unplanned or Suspected Exposure | This can include but is not limited to chemical and electrical exposure. |
Unplanned Overpressurization | A pressure release valve fails, or an experimental apparatus is overpressurized. |
Property, vehicle, or equipment damage | Any Lab owned/leased property, equipment, or vehicle damage occurring on Lab property and/or during the course of business e.g. as we were moving a new instrument into a lab, we dropped it, and it broke. |
Damaged or Broken Utilities | For non-routine facilities work orders, which may include water leaks, power outages, and general ventilation, (Heating, Ventilation, A/C, and refrigeration units for stored samples). For downed power lines, call 911. |
Safety systems that fail or malfunction | The Fume Hood or laser interlock is not working. |
Receipt of a notice of regulatory violation | Violation notice from USDA, City of Berkeley, or other government agency. |
Any unplanned release/discharge or spill in a building or to the environment | This can include a broken water main, any unknown type of liquid runoff, unusual odor, a visible plume, or hazardous chemicals put in an indoor drain or outside sewer. *May also involve water, electricity, or gas NOT requiring an evacuation of the lab/room but DOES require outside assistance. |
Chemical Spill | Spill of a chemical, hazardous material, electricity, water, or gas that does not require an evacuation of the lab/room but DOES require outside assistance. |
Discovery of a hazardous chemical that requires EHS assistance | Expired time-sensitive chemicals, unintentional mixing of incompatible chemicals, a container that is leaking/broken/compromised, and other chemicals that require EH&S evaluation and/or disposal. |
Safeguards and security incident | Witnessing suspicious activities. |
Fumes and Odors | Unusual, persistent, gas or similar odor. |
Hazardous wildlife and insects | Any wildlife that can pose potential harm. |
Performance of unauthorized work | Any unauthorized work performed by lab employees or subcontractors. |
Stop Work | An unsafe condition that poses an imminent danger or a deficiency in a work plan. |
Reporting Injuries
Q: When do I call 911?
A: Any situation that requires immediate assistance from the police, fire department, or ambulance.
Q: Who do I contact if there is an injury not requiring 911 assistance?
A: For all other injuries, you can call the Health Services clinic at 1-510-486-6266 or visit them during normal business hours. You can also call the Site Operations Center (SOC) 24/7 at 1-510-486-6999, which will transfer your call to the Health Services operator.
Health Services has a list of resources of where to get off-hours treatment.
Q: I am a construction subcontractor, and I’ve had an injury that I have already reported to my employer’s medical provider. Do I need to report it to anyone at Berkeley Lab?
A: Yes. You still need to contact your host, who will contact the SOC at 1-510-486-6999.
Q: I am a vendor, and I’ve had an injury while working at Berkeley Lab; who should I report it to?
A: You need to contact your Berkeley Lab requestor/host, who will contact the SOC at 1-510-486-6999.
Q: I am a student or affiliate, and I’ve had an injury while working for Berkeley Lab; who should I report it to?
A: You need to contact your host or supervisor, and they will contact the SOC at 1-510-486-6999.
Q: I was plugging in an electrical device and received a shock. Who do I report this to?
A: If you are a Lab employee, you can call the Health Services clinic at 1-510-486-6266 or visit them during normal business hours. You can also call the Site Operations Center (SOC) 24/7 at 1-510-486-6999, which will transfer your call to Health Services.
Q: I spilled a chemical, and it got on me, or I inhaled it. Who do I report this to?
A: If you are a Lab employee, you can call the Health Services clinic at 1-510-486-6266 or visit them during normal business hours. You can also call the Site Operations Center (SOC) 24/7 at 1-510-486-6999, which will transfer your call to Health Services.
Reporting Miscellaneous Issues
Q: Where do I report issues such as a loose railing in the building stairwell or lights in the hallway outside my office that were not working?
A: Contact the Facilities work request center.
Q: I spilled water on my laptop, and it stopped working. Who do I report this to?
A: This would be an issue for IT. You can call the IT Help Desk at 1-510-486-HELP (x4357).
Q: I noticed an incident or event described in the chart, and I am unsure if someone else reported it. Do I need to report it?
A: Yes. Unless you are positive another person has reported the incident or event, report it to the SOC at 1-510-486-6999. More than one call for an incident is not a problem.
Q: A few drops spilled during a chemical transfer. Do I need to report this?
A: It depends. Spills that can be readily cleaned up independently by the researchers do not need to be reported. If the spill needs EHS support, requires outside assistance to clean up, or triggers an evacuation, it must be reported to 1-510-486-6999. If any medical or injury treatment is needed, you can call the Health Services clinic at 1-510-486-6266 or visit them during normal business hours. You can also call the Site Operations Center (SOC) 24/7 at 1-510-486-6999, which will transfer you to Health Services.
Q: I completed a vehicle accident report through LBNL’s Motor Vehicle Accident Reports form. Do I also need to report the accident to 1-510-486-6999?
A: Yes. Please also report it to 1-510-486-6999.
Q: I reported a vehicle accident to 1-510-486-6999. Do I need to complete a separate report through LBNL’s Motor Vehicle Accident Report form?
A: Yes. In addition to reporting it to 1-510-486-6999, you should also complete a Motor Vehicle Accident Report form.
Q: If I report a safety system that has failed or malfunctioned, do I need to do anything else to get the safety system repaired or replaced?
A: Reporting the issue to 1-510-486-6999 is used for notification purposes only. It does not initiate other actions. You must take the appropriate actions, such as submitting a Work Request to resolve the issue.
Q: When do I report the performance of unauthorized work?
A: Report work that was in progress and was stopped in order to obtain the proper work authorization.