Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Full-Scale Emergency Exercise
- Full-scale exercise (FSE) to test the Lab’s emergency plan for wildfires.
- The scenario is a wildland fire that starts outside the Lab property but will soon reach Zone 6 at the Lab based on weather conditions.
- Zone 6 is the area to the north of Strawberry Gate off of Centennial Road and includes Buildings 74, 83, 84, 85, 85A, 85B, and 86.
- Two emergency assembly areas in the Zone and three buildings, 74, 84, and 85, are designated as SAFE buildings.
A SAFE building is constructed of a material that will withstand fire, such as steel or concrete, has interior sprinkler systems, a ventilation system that can be set to reduce the intake of smoke, and defensible outdoor space surrounding the building.
- The exercise is managed by the Lab’s Emergency Management group.
- The scenario community partners are the Alameda County Fire Department, Berkeley Fire Department, and law enforcement agencies depending on available resources that day.
- The responding vehicles will gather in the Foothill Parking Lot outside the Lab’s Blackberry Gate on Cyclotron Road and be dispatched as the scenario develops.
- The response will involve lights only (no sirens) while moving about the Lab property.
- The tenants in Zone 6 have been notified of the drill and the role they play.
- Their participation will be limited to about 90 minutes beginning at approximately 9 a.m.
- Depending on the scenario, they may be asked to evacuate or shelter in place.
- The Critical Incident Management Group (CIMG) will be established the day before based on the high fire danger in the Berkeley foothills.
- The designated Incident Commander and CIMG members will be responsible for decision-making during the exercise.
A ‘hot wash’ or after-action review will be conducted following the exercise to collect suggestions for plan improvements.
When and Where:
- Friday, September 16, from 8 a.m. until approximately 1 p.m., primarily in Zone 6.
- An annual FSE is a requirement of the Department of Energy
- It is good stewardship of the Lab’s resources to review, practice, and enhance emergency plans.
- Exercise point-of-contact:
- Lab employees will be notified of the FSE through articles in Elements prior to September 16.
- A LabAlert will be sent to all staff on the morning of September 16 reminding them of the FSE that day.
- A LabAlert notice of the exercise completion will be sent following the conclusion of the exercise.