On Thursday, July 14 at approximately 9:30 a.m., the Lab’s Emergency Management Department will be testing the LabAlert system by sending cascading alerts to all Lab employees, affiliates, and contractors who have accessed the Lab that morning. This drill may include personnel who arrive via shuttle, or badge in to off-site locations.
If you receive a LabAlert message, please respond with your status. The cascading alert starts by sending an email, then a text message to registered mobile devices, then a phone call. You will only need to respond to one of the messages, but it is critical that you do so. The notifications will continue until you respond.
This drill is part of the Department of Energy’s continuity of operations efforts. Participation in this drill will help keep you and your colleagues safe during an emergency.
The best way to receive emergency information is by enrolling your cell phone in the LabAlert system. LabAlert will be used during and after emergencies to broadcast safety information and instructions. If you have not registered your cell phone, or have not recently verified your information is still correct, please do so today. If you do not have a Lab-issued cell phone, please consider adding your personal cell phone to ensure you receive emergency messages when you are away from your desk. From your profile you can also change the order of how LabAlert sends you notifications; for example, you can elect to receive a text message first, then a phone call. It is also a recommended best practice to create a contact for LabAlert (510-486-6288) in your cell phone, and make it a “Favorite” (this will ensure that messages get through).
LabAlert messages can also:
- Expedite search and rescue efforts
- Reduce the risk to first responders by minimizing unnecessary rescue efforts.
- Begin communication with people on travel in areas experiencing emergencies.
- Reach mission critical personnel