To host a foreign national at Berkeley Lab you:
- Must be a DOE federal or LBNL employee
- May be a foreign national but cannot host SST country foreign nationals
- Cannot be an SST foreign national
Hosts of foreign nationals have certain responsibilities before, during, and after a visit or assignment.
Some of these responsibilities include:
- Timely notifications of a visit or assignment, using either the Visitor Pass Request System or through the hiring and affiliate assignment processes.
- Notifications to the FVA office of changes in immigration status, areas to be accessed, or visit and assignment end dates.
- Return of badges, parking permits, or keys upon completion of a visit or assignment
All hosts are required to complete course SEC0505: Hosting Foreign National Visitors and Assignees on an annual basis and are responsible for keeping the course current. The course takes approximately 30 minutes to complete and outlines more specific hosting responsibilities at Berkeley Lab.
NOTE: Failure to complete course SEC0505 or allowing the course to expire may result in processing delays and access suspensions. Please ensure this course is kept up to date.